About us

Message from the Founder

Today's regulatory requirements for working safely with nuclear substances and their transportation can seem extremely complex. This poses a challenge to licensees who wish to keep abreast of new changes and integrate them into their existing radiation safety, training and monitoring programmes.

For organizations and individuals looking to avoid time consuming effort, as well as the rectification of compliance infractions, the expertise offered by Canadian Nuclear Safety Services Inc. is a cost effective alternative.

As a Health Physicist, and a former Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Radiation Specialist, Inspector and Licensing Specialist I know all too well that sometimes there is more time spent on "paperwork" than actual radiation safety. Here at CNSS we can help you maintain a straight "A" programme for a lot less than you think.

Plus HazardU.com, our Safety Training Division, really can HAZARD PROOFTM your staff in all areas of safety training.

Fergus Devereaux

Health Physicist and Founder Canadian Nuclear Safety Services Inc.

Give us a call at 800-371-6853 or email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


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